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  • When to print the Monthly Report?
    The monthly report from the fiscal device should be made at the beginning of each month for the previous month. Some fiscal devices will not print a monthly report if no daily reports have been made. A special case is the Farex PRO 300 cash register, where in order to prepare a monthly report for the previous month, at least one daily report should be prepared in the new month.
  • Can I use Pospaya without payment terminal fees?
    Yes, the device then works as a fiscal printer.
  • How often should a cash register service be performed?
    According to the regulation of the Ministry of Finance regarding fiscal devices, a periodic service inspection of the cash register should be performed no later than 2 years from the moment of installing the cash register or the previous inspection.
  • Is it necessary to review the cash register in case of suspension of activity?
    When the activity is suspended, there is no obligation to perform a periodic service inspection of the cash register.
  • Why do a cash register service inspection?
    A service inspection of the cash register is mandatory in accordance with the regulation of the Ministry of Finance. During the inspection, the service technician performs a number of activities to check the correct operation of the cash register, e.g. checking the correctness of printouts from the cash register, test of EPROM memory, condition of the housing, customer and operator displays, enters the confirmation of the inspection into the cash register book. Pursuant to the regulations, the maintenance service, as part of the periodic inspection fee, is obliged to keep the necessary documentation of the cash registers, appear before the inspection authorities, perform technical duties and respond to notifications of failures in a timely manner.

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